Individual Therapy

You take care of everyone else…

And most of the time, you forget about yourself. I see it so often… good people ignoring or minimizing themselves so they can tend to others.

Juggling work, home, and relationships… it’s just so hard to say “no!”

Have you burned the candle at both ends… and now they’re meeting in the middle?

“But I have everything under control. I don’t need any help.”

There’s no one to talk to about this.

I don’t want people making a fuss over me.

I don’t want to bother anybody with my problems.

I’m strong enough to handle this.

Sound familiar??

I understand that there’s a negative stigma to seeking help and that it might feel uneasy.

But attempting to handle situations by burying them or ignoring them will ultimately lead to physical and emotional distress.

That distress can manifest as depression, sleep deprivation, anxiety, or relationship problems. They can affect your personal and professional life.

Or, worse, it can lead to a full-blown mental health crisis! One of my clients termed this as becoming “emotionally unglued.”

Individual therapy is all about you. This is YOUR time.

These 50 minutes are all about you. It’s your time to vent. It’s your time to cry. It’s your time to laugh.

And guess what? You deserve it.

When the old way of doing things just doesn’t seem to be effective any longer, psychoeducation will push you through. This is just another way of saying that you’ll learn to approach unique situations from different perspectives.

I will provide you the space to focus just on you, without judgment. Your thoughts and feelings will be validated. WHY? Because they are important to you.

Let me help you with problem-solving skills, becoming assertive, and no longer being the doormat for others.

Expect to celebrate your success!

During the session, you may be asked…

What is the goal for this session?

Why is this goal important to you?

How will you know you’ve reached your goal?

It’ll be interactive, but I’ll provide the skills you need to make a change, and it will be up to you to apply them between visits. Uh oh, that sounds like homework!

This could be completing a worksheet, practicing relaxation skills, using new communication techniques, or tapping into skills you forgot you possessed… just to name a few.

You’ll find individual therapy most beneficial if you practice what you learn in therapy and remain open to adopting new mindsets.

I’ll cheer you on, pointing out positives… because too often the NEGATIVE is highlighted. Not on my watch!

This space is for you. You just need to reach out…

One of my clients once told me, “I can’t believe this is all about me. I’ve never felt safe opening up to people. This feels really good to have someone listen to me.”

This is a great time to start treatment. I am so excited and cannot wait for us to get started!

Give me a call today for your free consultation, and don’t forget to leave me a message if I do not answer. I will return your call by the next business day: (951) 394-1903.